1) What does Apache server mean? Ans:- Apache Web Server is designed to create Web servers that have the ability to host one or more...
1) What does Apache server mean? Ans:- Apache Web Server is designed to create Web servers that have the ability to host one or more...
1) Which command is used to count the total number of lines, words and characters contained in a file? A) count B) ls C) wc D) None of...
What is LVM? LVM is a method of allocating hard drive space into logical volumes that can be easily resized as per our requirement. OR...
Here we are going to configure Apache Tomcat (System 1) and Mysql (System 2) in a two node RedHat Cluster Suite (RHCS) with high...
Key Points to Remember FTP (FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOL) 1. Install the package. 2. Create some files in /var/ftp/pub directory (Server Side)....
1) How to check the installed software (rpm’s) on Redhat Linux ? Ans:- rpm -qa package_name (or) rpm -qa | grep package_name* For...
1) Why we use NFS server? Ans :- we used NFS (Network File Sharing) server to share a file or a directory over the network but we can...
1) Why we use FTP server? Ans :- The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is used to downloads and upload the files over a network. 2) On which...
1) Why we use SAMBA server? Ans:- with the help of samba server we can share the files and printers over Linux to Linux systems as well...
1) What is ISCSI? Ans:- iscsi is internet SCSI (small computer system interface) an internet protocol (IP) based storage networking...
1) What is ssh? Ans:- SSH (secure shell) is a protocol for creating a secure connection between two systems. SSH is Known for its high...
1) What is MySQL? Ans:- MYSQL is an open source relational database management system (RDBMS) based on structured query language 2) What...